Specialist full and part time SEND provisions which are unique in their developmental and lateral approach to wellbeing and re-engagement with the community and life; learning real life skills, enabling young people to access the wider world with independence, confidence, pride and purpose.
RISE SPACE is a Special educational Needs Educational and wellbeing setting, offering a broad and balanced curriculum in a bespoke and creative manner that is different to anything they have experienced before.
Fostering improved mental health and wellbeing, the young people are given the nurture, structure and encouragement to navigate a sense of self, exposure to new opportunities and experiences while supported with structure of a specialist environment and staff team.
Young people have the opportunity to remove historic and existing barriers to learning and personal development and encouraged to revisit their future pathway choices with renewed excitement, vigour and confidence.
We have a variety of pathways developed according to the needs of the young people, their personalised circumstances and to accommodate reasonable adjustments they may need to be their authentic self.
All pathways are programmes of exciting and engaging activities specifically designed by a team of SENDCo’s, Specialist SEND Teachers and Mental Health Coaches to assist young people age 11-25 who maybe be currently experiencing emotionally based school non attendance, may have historically found education difficult to access or are just mot yet ready for their ‘next steps’.. They may have low self-esteem, anxiety or need assistance to progress in life, within education, training or community access.
- Our specialist RISE full time SEN provision, which is unique in its developmental and lateral approach to learning real life skills, enabling them to access the wider world with independence, confidence and pride.
- We provide a wrap around service for bespoke education and support services, with vibrant and innovative after school and holiday clubs, designed to support holistic growth and personal development. Our week long professional development and vocational training programmes during school holidays are a unique opportunity for young people to explore areas of professional interest and develop the skills they need to progress in the vocational environment.
- Our innate health education and resilience training programme with significant statistical and evidence based impact, proven to decreased negative classroom behaviours, reduced fixed term exclusions, increased ability to deal with problems or feeling lonely, bullied or depressed and with almost all young people participating reporting a noticeable change in themselves and stating that they would recommend to a friend.
- The RISE Catch Up service addresses literacy and numeracy difficulties that contribute to under achievement. Both interventions are based on rigorous academic research and are targeted to the needs of individual learners to achieve double the normal rate of progress. These programmes improve learner confidence, behaviour and engagement with the whole curriculum and encourage learning through success.
As part of the ALTR brand, we do things differently. We look at things through a different lens. We are an inspiring blend of the best of traditional, modern and alternative approaches to education. Our unique approach brings our young people into the ALTR community, of forward thinking, creative approaches to success and happiness. Our Members are ALTRNatives in every sense. We are proud to help our RISE ALTRNatives develop and grow through our different way of thinking, teaching and being.
RISE is managed by Keighly Murphy who has 21 years of teaching experience from mainstream, Pupil referral units, specialist SEND provisions, hospital school, medical needs and is a qualified SENCO. Her teaching methods have developed to ensure total inclusion, access and equity. Young people working with her have surpassed their own expectations and aspirations and those of their parents.