Keeping our parents and carers informed of the latest news, information and service is very important to us; we want all parents and carers to be fully invested in their young person’s evolution with RISE.

We will help parents and carers to nurture their RISE family member be the best version of themselves. In this area you will find:

Latest RISE & RISE X News
RISE Newsletters
Information for all Parents & Carers
Events Information
Friends of RISE & RISE X

school Calendar Academic Year

Autumn Term 2023
Friday 1st September 2023 Staff training day (pupils not in school)
Monday 4th September 2023 Staff training day (pupils not in school)
Tuesday 5th September 2023 Staff training day (pupils not in school)
Wednesday 6th September 2023 Start of Autumn Term
Monday 23rd - Friday 27th October 2023 Half-Term
Monday 30th October 2023 Staff training day (pupils not in school)
Tuesday 19th December 2023 Last day of Autumn Term

Spring Term 2024
Wednesday 3rd January 2024 Staff training day (pupils not in school)
Thursday 4th January 2024 Start of Spring Term
Monday 19th - Friday 23rd February 2024 Half -Term
Thursday 28th March 2024 Last day of Spring Term

  Summer Term 2024
Monday 15th April 2024 Staff training day (pupils not in school)
Tuesday 16th April 2024 Start of Summer Term
Monday 6th May 2024 May Day Bank Holiday
Monday 27th - Friday 31st May 2024  Half -Term
Wednesday 17th July 2024 Last day of Summer Term



Holiday Bookings
Please note: Students should not be going on holiday during school term.

Annual Review

An Education, Health and Care Plan, also called an EHCP or EHC Plan, must have a formal annual review within 12 months of the final plan or the last review. The annual review is an opportunity to review progress, raise concerns or suggest changes if the content of the plan are no longer appropriate and need amending. The young person and all stake holder will meet to review the targets, provision and placement. 

Under some circumstances you can ask the placement and local authority for an early annual review. This can help you get significant changes to your child’s plan without waiting for the next annual review.

A significant change might be getting another diagnosis. A 'placement' or ‘setting’ can be an alternative school or provision, college,  apprenticeship or traineeship. The process should be the same but who your contact is at the placement might vary. it’s usually the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO). At RISE it is Keighly Murphy (SENDCO)

Informal Reviews

RISE offers an informal review twice a year. We believe that collaborative working and open lines of communication are key. We take an open and joined up approach with all stakeholders to share information as often as possible, this is imperative to offering the best experience to the learner. 

This means that you do not have to wait until the annual review to talk about things like:
  • - How the provision is carrying out the EHC Plan
  • - What support the young person is receiving
  • - Your childs progress.
  • - How any transitions may be going
  • - Future plans
Informal reviews will not change what’s in your child's EHC plan. This will only happen at annual EHCP reviews, but these can be early if needed.

Asking for an early annual review
You or the provision can ask for an early EHCP review. Some parents call this an 'interim' review. RISE will contact you if they think your child’s EHCP needs reviewing.

You or RISE can ask for an early review if:
  • your child’s special educational needs change significantly and the description in the EHC plan is no longer accurate
  • the provision in your child’s EHC plan no longer meets their needs
  • your child has been excluded or is at risk of exclusion from the setting
  • there's a problem and it seems RISE may not be meeting your child's needs

Under construction

Here you will be able to access:
  • uniform items for RISE and other essential equipment.
  • RISE X merchandise
  • As an ALTR member you will be able to access their beautiful range of products.
  • Booking forms for all RISE and RISE X products and services
ALTR work hard to source items that:
  • reduce the impact on the environment and preserves natural resources. 
  • Sell products that reduce your reliance on natural resources where possible.
  • Offer products that are made from recycled materials
  • there's a problem and it seems RISE may not be meeting your child's needs

RISE 16-25 Provision

Here you will be able to access:
The introduction of a uniform serves a variety of purposes for the young people that attend. We are proud to be part of the ALTR Group and our uniform gives students a sense of belonging to the ALTRRISE community, it creates an identity for RISE in the community. The uniform will raise pride and help students to express themselves in more healthy ways and teaches them to dress smartly and take pride in their appearance.

Perhaps most importantly, a uniform means student does not have to worry about peer pressure when it comes to their clothes. When everyone is dressed the same, worrying about what you look like is not so important. There is no competition about being dressed in the latest trend, which would put a great deal of financial pressure on students and parents. 

Research also suggests that a school uniform can improve learning by reducing distraction, sharpening focus on schoolwork and making the classroom a more serious environment, allowing students to perform better academically.

We have also found that many students with special educational needs have Sensory Difficulties, we can spend time helping students to adjust to wearing the uniform so to prepare for when they leave school and may have to dress smartly or wear a uniform.

The uniform also makes the young people distinguishable on the Colmworth site and is a supportive safeguarding strategy. We have a sweatshirt and t-shirt for Physical activities.

We ask that students wear:

  • RISE polo shirt
  • RISE Hoody or sweatshirt.These can be worn with any appropriate length skirt or trouser/ jeans.
  • PE sweatshirt
  • PE T-shirt
  • Trainers. These can be worn with any appropriate length shorts or training trousers
    Please see the Parent / carer shop to place orders.

Whilst we do not have a strict uniform for our after school club or holiday club, many of our young people like to wear something that gives a sense of belonging to the ALTRRISEX community; it creates an identity for the young people who are coming together to share the same experience. It is also a lovely way of keeping the fun memories gained from being part of the club. We have a variety of RISEX items that can be purchased. Please see the Parent/ carer shop to place orders.


Transitions are also a key process for delivering our curriculum and extra-curricular trips and activities. Any new activity may need some considerable transitioning period prior to the activity itself.

Transition to RISE
Transitioning from a school that is so familiar can be really difficult but it is a crucial time for both the young person and parent and carer. It may have taken years for you as parent or carer to trust the school, its methods, its staff and that they fully understand the needs of your child.It may have taken a long time for the young person to feel safe, adjust to new routines and develop trusting relationships with staff. RISE are aware that a personalised, well planned, well executed transition is key to a successful placement whether transferring to or from RISE. We will devise a transition plan that is right for you  and the young person; that allows time to familiarise, time to develop relationships, time for us to transfer all the amazing knowledge and understanding gained by all stakeholders currently working alongside you and your family. RISE want the remove as much anxiety as possible, to look forward to the move with an excitement for what is to come.

Transition to RISE for New Pupils
In the months and weeks prior to joining RISE we will be undertaking visits to your young person’s schools, liaising with school staff and other professionals to ensure as smooth a transition as possible, learning your child. A successful transition from one education setting to another needs good communication between both schools.

Some students will need a longer transition than others and some younger students may come to RISE one day a week in the two years prior to transition to undertake foundation course in readiness for starting a full-time course.We shall also arrange for your child/young person to visit RISE several times, supported by their existing school staff, before our ‘Transition Days’ in July. During this time we encourage young people to take photographs whilst visiting, they can then have a visual record of their new school and teacher.

If appropriate organise peer support, eg a friendship group or buddy system.We will contact all of our new parents and carers to arrange a home visit. During this time, we will discuss the admissions forms to complete all of the transfer paperwork and answer any of your questions before your child/young person starts with us.

To ensure that our Transition Days run as smoothly as possible, we ask that you complete and return any transition paperwork as soon as possible.

All students will be issued with a transition booklet to help them familiarise with the setting, routines, timetable, staff and environment. The booklet will also contain contact details for the young person to send questions.

In addition we have a transition video for all new starters and we will arrange a social event, prior to a September start so that students can also meet their peers.For September starters, it is also feasible to visit during the summer holiday to reduce anxiety.

Transitions for other mid-year intake pupils
We very rarely have pupils starting with us beyond the beginning of a new academic year but we do welcome any student at any time. Any transition will involve the same level of detail as above ‘The transition for New starters to RISE.

Transitions to College or places of further Education Plan, personalise and prepareAt RISE we have close links to local Colleges and the courses they offer so that learners can make informed choices, based on real experiences, about their future career paths. It is therefore our hope that students have a level of familiarity with these settings already. However, we still ensure that:

  • - Ensure that careers education and planning programmes form part of the young person’s transition plan and appropriately reflect their individual requirements.
  • - Help them to choose goals that are realistic and achievable, but don’t limit them. 
  • - Ensure that careers education and planning programmes form part of the young person’s transition plan and appropriately reflect their individual requirements.
  • Help them to choose goals that are realistic and achievable, but don’t limit them. 
  • Support and encourage them to reach their full potential and work hard towards their goals.
  • Plan well in advance with the key people involved - the young person, their parents/carers, SENCO, advocate (if necessary), teachers and staff from the new setting, eg teacher, lecturer, support worker, employer.
  • Use visual aids, eg videos and photographs of key people and buildings.
  • Start travel training early. It may be a long and intense learning process, but one that can be very rewarding as you see autistic pupils become more independent.
  • Be aware of the importance of social skills and social confidence.
  • Organise familiarisation visits to the new college or employer. These can be as staggered, eg trip to gate, trip to outside college and then a separate trip to inside. 
  • Have college staff visit your school to meet specific students.
  • Organise peer support, eg a friendship group, buddy system if appropriate.
  • Arrange visits from students/employees who are already at the future college or place of employment.
  • Advise that staff at the new education placement or employer have understanding autism training


Contact form

All bookings can be made easily and quickly through our contact form below or
Email: Phone: 07377 593225

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