SEND Provision

“RISE SPACE prioritises understanding the whole person and uses this to inform the curriculum, programmes of support and to build a solid platform for future pathways.

With a curriculum adapted and modified, not only to meet needs and outcomes, but to develop the character, confidence, aspiration and independence of the young people that attend, we will motivate, strengthen work based and social links, promote productivity, happiness, balance, contentment and opportunity.”

You can download
the RISE SPACE 16-25 prospectus here



Firstly, I would like to warmly welcome you and your family to RISE SPACE.

We have designed this website to give you a feel for the provision we offer and demonstrate how we value the individual, provide a bespoke curriculum, and accelerate learning by nurturing happiness, wellbeing, and aspiration. We hope your visit to our website will fully explain our ethos and mission but to fully appreciate all that we have to offer at RISE SPACE, I recommend that you arrange a visit to experience what we do for yourselves.

RISE SPACE does things differently to ensure that the individual and collective needs of the students are met; in such a way to maximise confidence, skill sets and independence to access the community and prepare for working life. Young people are fostered academically, socially, emotionally, and physically through an innovative, fun, and functional curriculum and environment. Everything we do has purpose.

We particularly value wellbeing, recognising that when we have good levels of wellbeing, we are better balanced and we cope well. We are more motivated and engaged, we are more resilient. We are able to deal more effectively with the daily challenges of life and bounce back from life’s hurdles.

We believe that empowerment for the young person is key, to give them an understanding of the world and what is available to them and to offer the support, structure, and resources to access it. We want the young person to make informed decisions based on experiences that we provide them with. We want all of our young people to use us as a launch pad to lifelong participation in things that bring them pleasure, excitement, and fulfilment. We can help find those benefits and harness new skills that allow the young person to be who they want to be and to help them reach their goals.

Transitioning from childhood to adulthood is a daunting prospect for both young person and parent/carers. We also are aware that the SEND pathway undertaken thus far will have been a challenging and exhausting one and the prospect of another change is worrying. We hope you will feel supported during the changes that need to be managed at this time and we are here to support that process for all.

We look forward to welcoming you and your family to the RISE SPACE community.

Keighly Murphy, Operations Manager

"revolutionising Specialist SEND
Outreach Education for
Aspirational learning,
personal empowerment and the
confidence to shatter
glass ceilings and reach
new levels of achievement"


RISE SPACE prioritises understanding the whole person and uses this to inform the curriculum, programmes of support and platform for future pathways. With a curriculum adapted and modified, not only to meet needs and outcomes, but to develop the character, confidence, aspiration and independence of the young people that attend, we will motivate, strengthen work based and social links, promote productivity, happiness, balance, contentment and opportunity.

Closely affiliated with the RISE SPACE Group Ltd, RISE SPACE shares the ethos for developing and delivering a broad and inclusive spectrum of wellbeing education, products and services, designed to restore health, increase energy levels, productivity and motivation, strengthen community bonds and positivity. We consistently promote evolution towards happiness, balance and contentment with a focus on individual and collective self-perception and the importance of self-care. We have specific expertise in identifying and breaking down hidden barriers to learning and in identifying and filling hidden gaps in baseline education. In securing sturdy holistic foundations we can build educational and personal structures with greater resilience, helping our students to reach greater heights than ever before.
As part of the RISE SPACE brand, we do things differently. We look at things through a different lens. We are an inspiring blend of the best of traditional, modern and alternative approaches to education. Our unique approach brings our young people into the RISE SPACE community, developing forward thinking, creative approaches to success and happiness. We are an alternative provision in every sense: unique, bespoke, progressive and person centred.

RISE SPACE educational provision is specifically designed to offer an age appropriate, fun, safe and empathetic place for students to learn.

RISE SPACE is managed by Keighly Murphy who has 21 years of teaching experience from mainstream, Pupil referral units, specialist SEND provisions, hospital school, medical needs and is a qualified SENCO. Her teaching methods have developed to ensure total inclusion, access and equity. Young people working with her have surpassed their own expectations and aspirations and those of their parents.


This page is under construction.

Here you will find:
- Latest Ofsted Reports here for ALTR RISE 
- Link to Ofsted: Parent/
- Carer View where you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of your child’s educational provision.

To access this click here:

Progress and Attainment

When reporting on progress and attainment it is important to look at more than one measure when comparing colleges to glean a full picture of how it is performing. While attainment figures give information about end of year performance, they do not consider that pupils have differing abilities and starting points. As a result, RISE SPACE will always consider the KS2 data and whether the young person is considered a low, mid or high attainer. It is then possible to compare their progress against students in other specialist provisions from the same starting point.

RISE SPACE will report on the following headline measures each year:
  • Progress
  • Attainment
  • English and Maths Progress
  • Retention
  • Destination
Special schools and provisions require progress measures that provide meaningful information for students, parents and the government that in “meaningful” and “appropriate”. For many of our students whilst accessing some accredited courses including English and Maths, our focus will equally be on supporting other areas in the quadrant of needs.

RISE SPACE will report on progress towards targets with respect of
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, Emotional and mental health
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Sensory and physical
  • Reading
  • Spelling
  • Reading
  • Maths
  • Attendance


A school council is group of students who are elected by their peers to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school. This level of active participation allows pupils to have a real say in issues that affect them and to know that their opinions count.

4 students are elected annually by their peers to meet with the Two nominated members of staff once per short term.

  • Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that “children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives.  A school council can provide a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them”
  • Student input on the matters that concern them helps to improve many aspects of school life in ways that are better to meet their needs and school outcomes;
  • Students have a sense of ownership of the Provision;
  • It provides leadership and development opportunities for students;   
  • Young people can participate in school and society, supporting the Life Learning and work curriculum; 
  •  It teaches young people about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability.
Please watch this space to:
  • Meet the current Student Council Members;
  • Discover matters identified by the Student Councils;
  • To see details of current projects and celebrate successes.

Specialist Provision Specifications 

We specialise in transitioning young people from childhood to adulthood, bridging gaps in learning, social understanding, developing emotional awareness and resilience and wellbeing. We work closely with the young person to make informed choices about future pathways and offer the skills, support and structure to achieve their goals and ambitions in innovative and functional settings.

Type of Provision:
RISE SPACE provides education and specialist facilities for pupils who have struggled in mainstream school with a mental health or SEN need or who are disengaging from education. We are adept at assisting students with or without an EHC plan who identify with challenges such as autism spectrum disorder, speech language and communication difficulties, generalised learning difficulties, moderate learning difficulties, social, emotional and mental health, sensory and physical needs and dyslexia. All of those that attend the provision are likely to have a combination of learning needs. RISE SPACE primarily but not exclusively serves Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire.

We work with young people in a way that they can mange, whether that be in the home, in the community or within Provision. RISE STREAM offers remote education, qualifications and training to assist anyone for whom social environments prove too much of a challenge. Offering comprehensive SEND, anxiety and mental health support our

RISE STREAM curriculum can be tailored to suit a wide variety of subject interest and a broad spectrum of need. 

School characteristics:
Our provision settings are always aspirational and unique and our staff are exceptional and dedicated. The RISE SPACE town centre locations enable us to forge strong and sustainable links with business and industry and too make the most of the opportunities provided by the vast array of facilities that surround us. We encourage and support integration in to social environments and interactions, an invaluable life skill for transition to independence.

Our premises are multi faceted to provide opportunities for life skills work, academic studies, IT access, sensory spaces and breakout areas as well as a kitchen where students can socialise and make coffees and snacks.

The child centred RISE SPACE philosophy coupled with our wide age spectrum for delivery makes us perfectly placed to undertake long term planning and initiatives for our children and young people, targeting for years rather than weeks, building foundations and development with student consultation to achieve greater and more sustainable progress.

Our philosophy for constant observation and non-intrusive assessment means that we can quickly identify new opportunities for personal and educational growth and more suitable and successful methodology.

Our feedback and progress model is accessible and measurable, enabling holistic monitoring and full team inclusion throughout the process.

Everything undertaken within RISE SPACE Provision is about the future of the young person.Assessment and Monitoring:
For pupils: The progress of pupils will be assessed and reviewed through:
-The school’s generic processes for tracking the progress of all pupils.
-Termly evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions on the student plans
-Termly evaluation of whether pupils with EHC plan are meeting their individual outcomes which have been written to address their underlying special educational need.
- Annual review of Education Health and Care Plans are prescribed in the SEND Code of Practice (January 2015).
- Our rolling assessment programme of ‘Assess, plan, do, review’ ensures that our understanding of our student’s needs and the strategies in place to meet them are always current, relevant and purposeful.
- Two specific consultations with parents and carers per year.

‍For our Provision:
RISE SPACE is included within the Local Authority’s monitoring cycle undertaken by the local authority.

RISE SPACE offer careers events in and out of the provision for young people and parents and carers to provide all with all the information and experience they need to make decisions for the future. Staff at RISE SPACE work with all agencies to ensure a smooth transition to a range of settings, including local colleges, day care centres, apprenticeships, traineeships, work placements, voluntary work placements and Universities, to name but a few.  A transition passport is put into place for the pupils, staff work to ensure all information is transferred to the new setting to provide consistency for everyone.

We recognise the importance to all students of starting the day in a safe and secure way. During the enrolment process, we will discuss transportation requirements for each individual student. We work hard to ensure that transport is not have to be a barrier for young people, their family and carers. 

RISE SPACE Admissions CriteriaTransition provision and integration courses : 14-16
RISE students can apply for places through their current school. Application forms and more information is available from

Full time college :
16-25 RISE admits pupils where the young person’s needs cannot be met at the local further education college/ mainstream school and where they exhibit two or more of the following: 
• The YP presents with a debilitating level of anxiety which is a barrier to accessing education and the wider community. There may be an inability or resistance to attend school. Support is needed to provide structure, offer flexible differentiation and teach strategies for coping.
• The YP’s mental health and wellbeing is an identified need. 
• The YP lacks the independence skills and resilience to be able to access learning in a mainstream post-16 environment  
• The YP needs a highly personalised and nurturing curriculum and requires a more bespoke personal development programme to overcome barriers to learning and participation and to provide a bespoke transition into adulthood. 
• The YP shows sustained difficulties in social interaction and the forming and maintaining of social relationships. There is an assessed need for specialist, individualised support to teach, model and practise social skills on a daily basis.
• There has been a lack of progress within the curriculum.  Pupil profiles show little or no progress or regression in some subject areas.
• Sensory difficulties make it difficult for the YP to cope with, for example, noise, large groups, large classrooms, distracting visual stimuli.  Flexible timetabling is needed on a daily basis to reduce stress caused by sensory stimulation and to enable the YP to make progress in their learning.
• An experienced, flexible approach is needed to meet the assessed needs of the pupil which is in excess of that which could reasonably be expected in a mainstream post-16 setting.  All curriculum areas will require substantial differentiation with an assessed need for individual tuition or small group work in a setting where distraction is reduced and where staff have knowledge and expertise in working with pupils with high levels of anxiety, mental health concerns and learning needs.   

EHCP Requirement:
If Local Authority funding is being accessed then usually the LA will require an Education, Health and Care Plan to be in place. For self funded places this is not always necessary but the criteria above will still apply and a full consultation will be necessary to ensure that we can meet the young person’s needs.



To help us set aspirational targets, we use several different national datasets; FFT links, EHCP Plans. Each of these systems provides us with a slightly different piece of information about our students and their learning potential. All of them are used to set ambitious and achievable targets. We believe that targets should be used to encourage students to be aspirational in their learning

RISE SPACE ensure that students understand the progress they make in their learning lesson by lesson, week to week and term to term. Targets will be shared, and students will be aware of what they need to do to progress. It is important that you and your son or daughter understand them so that you can talk to your child about their learning and help them make progress in their lessons.

Your child’s progress will be monitored more closely through the graduated approach that RISE SPACE operates in line with the SEND Code of Practice and failure to make progress will be identified early and new plans will be implemented and reviewed with parent, carer and young person every short term.


Destination Data

We collate destination data and report headline data to follow the progress of all our young people.


Type of Provision
RISE is an Independent special educational provision for students ages 14-25. We offer full time provision and online access for students aged 16-25 and face to face transition days, programmes and experiences for young people aged 14-16.

RISE provides education and specialist facilities for pupils who have struggled in mainstream school with an SEN need and have maybe not been successful in securing an Educational Health Care Plan (EHC) and or those with an EHC that identifies significant difficulties including autism spectrum disorder, speech language and communication difficulties, generalised learning difficulties, moderate learning difficulties, social emotional mental health, sensory and physical needs and dyslexia. All students who attend the provision are likely to have a combination of learning needs. RISE primarily serves, but not exclusively, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire.

Admission Criteria and arrangements
All students in the RISE provision must have an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHC plan), diagnosis of a SEN need or a history of requiring modifications and or adaptations because of a special educational need.

If your child has an education, health and care (EHC) plan or a statement of special educational needs (SEN) there is a separate process for your child's school admission:

- Our Education, Health and Care Team will send you a letter seeking details of your school preference
- You will be asked to return your preference within 15 days
- You will be informed of the outcome of this consultation by 15 February of the year in which you are applying

To discuss places, please email

Pupil premium

  • Empower each young person to fulfil their potential and discover a path to independence, happiness and fulfilment
  • Develop resilience
  • Foster a sense of personal worth and accomplishment  

  • Understand how to self care  

  • Offer and encourage pupil participation ion a range of activities, to harness undiscovered skills 

  • Develop self confidence, self esteem and to nurture aspirational thinking and positive self assertion 

  • Teach the skills and confidence needed to access the community positively and independently 

  • Challenge the individual to fully discover who they are, to develop realistic and practical pathway plans, and to support them in having the confidence to reach their goals and ambitions 

School Council

A school council is group of students who are elected by their peers to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school. This level of active participation allows pupils to have a real say in issues that affect them and to know that their opinions count.4 students are elected annually by their peers to meet with the Two nominated members of staff once per short term.

  • Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that “children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives.  A school council can provide a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them.”

  • Student input on the matters that concern them helps to improve many aspects of school life in ways that are better to meet their needs and school outcomes.
  • Students have a sense of ownership of the Provision.

  • It provides leadership and development opportunities for students.   

  • Young people can participate in school and society, supporting the Life Learning and work curriculum. 

  •  It teaches young people about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability.
Please watch this space to:Meet the current Student Council MembersDiscover matters identified by the Student Councils.To see details of current projects and celebrate successes.

The Governing Board

The Governing Board acts as a critical friend to the school, takes a strategic role and challenges school leaders. The Governors hold the school leaders accountable for their decisions and ensures that the school meets its statutory responsibilities.  

The Governing Body sets and reviews the objectives and priorities; monitors and agrees policies, targets and outcomes.Our Board is made up of local specialists with a diverse range of skills and experiences that ensure that the strategic and operational development at RISE SPACE and RISE STREAM is robust, successful and in keeping with the Management Team Ethos.

The team meet quarterly and each member utilises their expertise to take on responsibilities in specific areas of the Provision. This enables the Board to be more involved and hands on in the progress and development of the Programmes we offer and the experience for the young person and their family/ carers. They are involved closely with participation in Quality Improvement Groups.

Governing Board Members and their responsibilities are listed below:

Keighly is the RISE SPACE Operations Manager.
Email her at

Lianne Murphy is the Chair of Governors.
Email her at



To enable young people to optimise their individual potential and to equip them to grow with confidence, positivity and resilience and a desire to make a valuable contribution to their communities and to the world.

We provide young people with support, opportunity and care to access the community and the world of training and or work, with appropriate skills, confidence, independence, excitement and ambition. We deliver a holistic approach to learning and development in a safe environment, exposure to real life settings and preparation for the world of work or further training.We engage young people in aspirational learning opportunities that equip them with the skills, character and confidence to access the platforms for future pathways and be lifelong learners.We enable young people to find happiness, balance, and contentment with a focus on individual and collective self-perception.We empower young people to live with more independence and choice.We reverse negative labels and stereotypes and give the confidence, self-esteem, and strategies to remove barriers and aspire to greatness.

To empower young people to live with more independence and choice
To reverse negative labels and stereotypes and give the confidence and self esteem to remove barriers and aspire to greatness
To enable young people to find happiness, balance and contentment with a focus on individual and collective self-perception and resilience
To encourage collegiate working and mutually beneficial community support
To always work with positivity and encouragement
To promote equal opportunities and to ensure a level playing field for all of our staff and students
To always have sustainability as our goal across the business
To be environmentally aware in every aspect of our work

At RISE, we aim to:  
• Empower each young person to fulfil their potential and discover a path to independence, happiness and fulfilment
• Develop resilience  
• Foster a sense of personal worth and accomplishment
 • Understand how to self care  
• Offer and encourage pupil participation in a range of activities, to harness undiscovered skills
• Develop self confidence, self esteem and to nurture aspirational thinking and positive self assertion
• Teach the skills and confidence needed to access the community positively and independently
• Challenge the individual to fully discover who they are, to develop realistic and practical pathway plans, and to support them in having the confidence to reach their goals and ambitions

Our Commitment
Everything undertaken within RISE Provision is about the future of the young person. RISE is committed to:
• A student-centred approach where wellbeing and safeguarding are priority
• Providing well qualified staff with a wealth of experience employed using safer recruitment practices
• Targeted and personalised support to maximise the engagement with education and develop a passion for lifelong learning
• To empower each young person to be individual, make informed decisions for themselves and be self-assured at communicating needs and wants
• Personalised approach to learning that is tailored to meet needs; informed by appropriate background information, the young person’s voice, and aspiration and removal of all barriers
• Clearly outcomes agreed by the young person and all stakeholders and a continued triangulated approach to their health, care, education and well being through regular, quality communication
• An assess plan do review approach to all learning and practice
• To develop all key areas of independence exploring Life and Living Skills. This offers a personalised and flexible learning programme that covers a range of personal, life, social and pre-employability skills with certification, Financial understanding and preparation, Travel training, Personal safety and Personal care
• Teach young people how to spend their time; expose to hobbies; activities and interests for life. Explore food through exposure and preparation and support strategies to develop Emotional regulation
• Personal Life Skills complements Life and Living Skills helping students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to manage life and future opportunities
• To develop key skills in Literacy and numeracy through accredited qualifications, with emphasis on reading, use of site vocabulary in the community
• Enterprise Community Projects and fundraisers
• Prepare for adult life by exploring needs, desires, aspirations and next step pathways
• Ensuring that appropriate support is in place at all transition points
• To teach Digital employability to develop attitudes needed to thrive in today’s world of work via social media and videos and ensure learners are equipped with the necessary transferable knowledge to interact with different digital devices and data in the workplace
• Learning through the OCR Employability suite to learn practical features to give learners at all levels, the skills, know-how and confidence to help them enter, return or progress in the workplace or go on to further education
• Access to independent careers advice that reflects an understanding of local community pathways
• Progression to sustained further education, traineeships, internships work and or voluntary sector supported through strong working community partnerships
• Continually monitoring progress of pupils through regular assessments that will be communicated with all stake holders.

Multi Agency Working

As per the SEND Code of Practice 0-25, Chapter 13 notes, there must be integration between education, health and care for joint outcomes. The SEND Code of Practice is  statutory guidance for organisations  that work with and support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. It sets out duties, policies and procedures relating to Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and associated regulations, and it applies to England.

The Code of Practice (2014) covers the 0–25 age range. It includes guidance relating to disabled children and young people, as well as those with special educational needs (SEN). Disabled children and young people may not have SEN, but are covered by this guidance as well as by the Equality Act 2010.

Multi-agency working is an effective way of supporting children and families with additional needs and helping to secure real improvements in their life outcomes. It is also paramount to safeguard young people.RISE and RISE X recognise the importance of education, health, youth justice, social care, youth work, voluntary and community sector and other children’s services to join forces to work more collaboratively around a preventative agenda. RISE and RISE X are committed to work with any agency that is involved with a family under our care.RISE STREAM prides itself on working in partnership with parents and carers and as per the SEND Code of Practice 0-25, Chapter 13 notes, we ensure there is always integration between education, health and care for joint outcomes in any of our Educational Provision.

As per the guidance RISE supports collaborative working by:

  • Ensure the participation of children and young people and parents in decision making at individual and strategic levels.

  • Publication of a ‘local offer’ of support for children and young people with SEND to guide all to all the services that are available for children and young people, support families to access the services and maintain links with them.

  • For children and young people with more complex needs, a co-ordinated assessment process and the new 0–25 education, health and care (EHC) plan is supported by annual review meetings with outcomes agreed by all stakeholders.
  • Working with new schools, colleges, Local authorities to support successful transition to adulthood.

  • Attending Care meetings for At risk children, Children in need and Looked after children.

  • Supporting the work of physiotherapists, GP’s, Speech therapists, optometrists, audiologists.
  • Accessing the Bedfordshire SEND Team for specialist support with Autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia among other services.
  • Referring students for counselling, further SEND investigation, to integrated front Door (Previously MASH) or The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Team, Educational Psychologists, sensory advisory services, Gender identity Services at Tavistock and Portman.
  • Holding regular meetings with all stake holders.