Children and young people can be revictimized (experience further abuse) when abusive content is recorded, uploaded or shared by others online. This could happen if the original abuse happened online or offline.
Children and young people may experience several types of abuse online:
Children and young people can also be groomed online: perpetrators may use online platforms to build a trusting relationship with the child in order to abuse them. This abuse may happen online, or the perpetrator may arrange to meet the child in person with the intention of abusing them.
RISE SPACE are committed to teaching the risks and strategies to manage them so that all our young people can be safe, confident digital citizens. All students access the online safety learning Platform and learn safe practices with all IT forums.
Online safety training with the NSPCC Learning platform CLICK HERE FOR MORE
Online safety and safeguarding useful links
Parental supportUK Safer Internet Centre - information and advice about new technology, setting parental filters and having conversations with your child.
Internet Matters - step by step guides to setting up controls and privacy settings on the networks, gadgets, apps and sites.
Common Sense Media - reviews of games, apps, books and films for all ages to help you decide what is appropriate for your child.
Student support
Childline - help and advice centre for young people online and by telephone at any time.
NSPCC - National Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Children, keeping children free from abuse.
NCC e-safety - Northampton's online safety and bullying advice for parents and carers.
Childnet - advice and guidance, including 'hot topics' around the subject of online safety.
Reporting online abuse or bullying
CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection, if you are concerned about any online abuse you can report it to CEOP.