The exceptional team of RISE SPACE professionals have an extraordinary ability to uncover hidden barriers to engagement. Coupled with our vast and varied menu of Alternative Offers, we can create bespoke packages around the individual to meet every conceivable need. Our Bespoke Programmes can be delivered on or off site and cater for all levels of need, intervention and support.

With their exacting standards and powerful delivery, the RISE IGNITE team will ensure that being part of any RISE SPACE initiative is something that young people can be proud of. We provide a secure, inclusive and supportive community environment in which our young people can find and develop the best very of themselves whilst having fun and making friends.

Our RISE X programme is designed to support and compliment
the curriculum and provide a variety of innovative enrichment
opportunities for all ages and abilities.
We offer:

  • iheart resilience programme delivered at your setting
  • Equality Programme delivered within your setting 
  • Catch up interventions
  • Bespoke Programmes for LAC and Post adoptive families 
  • Intervention programmes to support your Pupil Premium Strategy
  • Unique after school and holiday club facilities
  • Unique after school and holiday club facilities
  • Bespoke Professional Development and Vocational Training Summer Courses
  • Apprenticeships and Development and Training Opportunities for Business and Education 


RISE SPACE offers specialist full and part time SEND provisions, which are unique in their developmental and holistic approach to wellbeing and re-engagement with the community and life; we teach real life skills, enabling young people to access the wider world with independence, confidence, pride and purpose.

RISE SPACE is a Special educational Needs Educational and wellbeing setting, offering a broad and balanced curriculum in a bespoke and creative manner that is different to anything that our young people have experienced before.

Fostering improved mental health and wellbeing, the young people are given the nurture, structure and encouragement to navigate a sense of self, exposure to new opportunities and experiences while supported with structure of a specialist environment and staff team and a collegiate peer group who encourage one another to have confidence in themselves.

We RISE together. Young people have the opportunity to explore, identify and dismantle historic and existing barriers to learning and personal development and are encouraged to revisit their future pathway choices with renewed clarity, excitement, vigour and confidence.

We have a variety of pathways developed according to the needs of the young people, their personalised circumstances and to accommodate reasonable adjustments they may need to be their authentic self.

All pathways are comprised of exciting and engaging activities specifically designed by a team of SENDCo’s, Specialist SEND Teachers and Mental Health Coaches to assist young people age 11-25 who maybe be currently experiencing emotionally based school non attendance, may have historically found education difficult to access or are just not yet ready for their ‘next steps’. They may have low self-esteem, anxiety or need some support and assistance to progress in life, within education, training or in being part of a community.


RISE IGNITE is a programme of exciting and engaging activities specifically designed by the trained SENDCO and Mental Health Coach to assist young people who may be currently disengaged, highly anxious, lacking aspiration and confidence. They may need a flexible and adaptable approach to learning and engagement, or need assistance to progress in life, education, training, or community access.

At both Bedford and Aylesbury we offer RISE IGNITE Educational Intervention workshops everyFriday throughout the school year to achieve outcomes identified by schools, Local authorities and other stakeholders, or we undertake our own assessment and devise appropriate outcomes and target for progression.

Some of the areas that will be covered are:▪ Emotional Regulation
▪ Who am I? Exploring our sense of belonging, values and learn how this shapes our experience
▪ Team building and communication skills
▪ Aspiration and careers exposure
▪ Enterprise and social action – group project, shaped by the participants to include their interests and work to their strengths.
▪ To understand their own needs

Looked After
Children and
Post-Adoptive Families

We craft carefully designed sessions and meaningful programmes to LAC and post adoptive children and their families. We understand the unique challenges that the LAC process can bring for young people; a time of great uncertainty which immediately follows the devastation of separation from care-givers and loved and familiar others and which has been made necessary by long periods of neglect or other significant harm or trauma. We acknowledge the deep seated attachment issues that these lived experiences can bring. We recognise how these issues can often manifest in young people as feelings of a lack of control or autonomy, anger, frustration, feelings of a lack of self worth and fractured resilience. If left unaddressed, they will create profound barriers to engagement in life and in learning as well as to the ability to form new attachments.

We use a combination of psychological, physiological, social work and educational expertise to develop packages to work in meaningful ways with these young people and their families, to encourage re-connection with self, with community and with the wider world. We nurture them back to a positive sense of self worth and to dare to dream of a bright, successful and independent future. We work with them at a manageable pace to address the well known triggers for addiction and criminal behaviour before they take hold. We support these young people in a transition from chaos to stability and resilience. e are able to offer individual or group programmes to Local Authorities and private clients alike, specifically tailored to identified needs and outcomes, which are of course kept under constant review throughout delivery.
We also offer adapted iheart and Equality programmes to incorporate the unique needs of young people who have experienced life as a Looked After Child. These programmes provide an extraordinary foundation for future growth, building awareness and resilience, confidence and good mental health.

Contact us to discuss how we can help your Local Authority or your Post-Adoptive Family make sustainable change today.

equality programme

Young people these days are growing up in a world where awareness of inequality is key to fostering positive relationships and achieving potential.

Our Equality Programme teaches children to appreciate the value of every individual person, irrespective of gender, sexuality, race or colour. We teach children to recognise unconscious bias, privilege, disadvantage and prejudice in their thinking as well as in their behaviour. We explore a variety of thought patterns associated with fairness, equality and social justice. We establish some guidelines for how we would interact: respectful silence when someone else is speaking, disagreeing in a civil manner, in which context it is rarely necessary to require students to put their hands to share our thoughts.

We explore the concept of sacrificing your own happiness for the sake of group harmony or the happiness of another person and debated the value of work and whether it deserves reward. We debate people’s differing needs and wants, and provide deep and considered thought about the various types of poverty. We consider whether fairness is the most important aspect of society and whether making things fair sometimes compromises individual freedoms. We explore whether fairness means equality or if some groups in society require more to be equal to others. We apply our group discussions to the wider world to understand the impact of our mindset on society, our country and the wider world and to learn the value and power of our individual and collective voice.

Our equality programmes are innovative and enjoyable for students. They inspire debate, consideration, and contemplation whilst teaching respect, values and cooperation. We work with primary, secondary and SEND groups and compliment our iheart programme beautifully.

Contact us now for more information about how we can help to make your setting environment a more inclusive, fair and equal place to be.

Catch Up®

Catch Up® is a not-for-profit charity working to address literacy and numeracy difficulties that contribute to underachievement. We offer two structured one-to-one interventions, Catch Up® Literacy is proven to significantly improve the achievement of learners who find literacy difficult. These sessions are perfect for focussed intervention with students who need a little more help to access the curriculum in these key areas.

Catch Up Literacy
A book-based reading intervention which enables struggling readers to achieve more than double the progress of typically developing readers.

Interventions are based on rigorous academic research and are targeted to the needs of individual learners. They involve 15-minute individual sessions delivered twice per week and have been proven to achieve double the normal rate of progress in learners' reading ges.

These programmes really do:
- Improve learners' confidence, behaviour, and engagement with the whole curriculum;
- Encourage learning through success with interventions targeted to individual needs
Each intervention begins with assessments for learning, which enable us to identify an appropriate focus for the individual learner - for Catch Up® Literacy, a book of an appropriate level of difficulty.

Each intervention then comprises two 15-minute individual sessions per week in which the learner reads from the chosen book/takes part in the chosen numeracy activity, and completes some linked writing/recording that addresses identified miscues. Throughout both interventions, the emphasis is on providing effective personalised learning support for the individual learner within a positive, supportive and enabling framework.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your students re-access the curriculum in literacy and numeracy with confidence and pride.

Holiday Club

RISE X/RISE CREATE is where the extra is!
Our vibrant and innovative programmes will keep children and young people stimulated and entertained throughout the school holidays. We combine group and individual activities for all ages and levels of ability and enthusiasm! Each week we will run a general RISE IGNITE  programme for mixed age groups.

Teens may prefer more focused learning whilst  developing industry contacts and gaining a real insight into the world of professional and skilled work by attending one of our professional development training courses, see below….

You can download the RISE X Prospectus here.


Research has shown that this is particularly so for more academically able pupils, who are most at risk of under-performing. RISE IGNITE  gives students the best prospect of bucking that trend for pupils of all academic abilities and equips them to take real strides in education and personal development.

When in receipt of any PP funding, RISE SPACE assumes accountability for the effective use of the funding and will publish a strategy statement which takes into account:

RISE IGNITE has a range of services perfectly suited to students in receipt of Pupil Premium Statement. We work closely with schools to develop packages to make best use of the additional Government funding and make lasting improvements to the attainment of their disadvantaged pupils.

Disadvantaged students are:
  • Looked after and previously looked after children
  • Those in receipt of free school meals or who have been in receipt of free school meals in the last 6 years.
  • Service children
  • Funding is NOT based upon academic ability.
Evidence shows that children from disadvantaged backgrounds:
  • Generally face extra challenges in reaching their potential at school
  • Often do not perform as well as their peers
When in receipt of pupil premium funding, RISE SPACE will manage the fund taking into consideration
  • the needs of the individuals; and
  • the information available in the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) Pupil Premium Guide.

Bespoke Professional Development & Vocational Training Courses

We aim to teach the core skills required for each area of practice or work and to measure progress during the course of the week. Every delegate on our Course will leave with a Certificate of Competency to demonstrate achievement in Key areas of proficiency.

‍Our Professional Development & Vocational Training Courses are a unique way for young people to explore areas of work that are of interest to them before committing to Options at school or University Course and to assess whether their skillset is well placed for this line of work.
Taught through a combination of innovative techniques and experiences and professional practitioners and speakers, our Programmes provide a truly immersive dive into the professionals and vocational world. Our links with industry and professional connections make us uniquely placed to provide a truly unique experience and will leave delegates eagerly awaiting Phase 2!