“RISE prioritises understanding the whole person and uses this to inform the curriculum, programmes of support and to build a solid platform for future pathways.

With a curriculum adapted and modified, not only to meet needs and outcomes, but to develop the character, confidence, aspiration and independence of the young people that attend, we will motivate, strengthen work based and social links, promote productivity, happiness, balance, contentment and opportunity.”

This needs a header here for the awards pages
something heree please
  • iheart resilience programme delivered at your setting
  • Equality Programme delivered within your setting 
  • Catch up interventions 
  • Bespoke Programmes for LAC and Post adoptive families 
  • Intervention programmes to support your Pupil Premium Strategy
  • Unique after school and holiday club facilities
  • Unique after school and holiday club facilities
  • Bespoke Professional Development and Vocational Training Summer Courses
  • Apprenticeships and Development and Training Opportunities for Business and Education